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College Roleplay

Welcome to College Roleplay! 🏢

To enter the room, please identify yourself below.

For example:
Jennifer (Chemistry Major/Freshman)
Manny (Basketball Player/Senior)
Mr.Jacobs (Biology Teacher)
Jasmine (Art Major/Sophomore)

After you enter the room, posting a starter would be helpful to others to let know you'd like to Roleplay instead of waiting for one. Don't hesitate to ask if anyone is up to Roleplay, it's the best chance you have to get a Roleplay started! If you have any questions, text a Mod or Admin privately. When roleplaying type /me before so it comes out in color, helping everyone to know you're in Roleplay and not just chatting. This chat does contain rules: Pedophilia or Beastiality is not allowed, you will be banned. Spamming the chat will result in a silence, if you continue to do it the punishment will be extended. No advertisement in the chat without permission of the Admin. If you’d like to share a room, you’re allowed to post it in your status or send it in pm’s. If you are engaging in a erotic role-play, have permission from the other person first to make sure they’re alright with the activity and legal age. If you continue to break rules, you’ll either be permanently silenced or banned.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR NEW USERS:You enter the room at your own risk. Use your common sense. If you communicate with people you don't know, be aware that they may be dishonest. Notice that identities are unreliable. We have a strict Privacy Policy, but your IP address is logged and can be used to identify you in case of misconduct. All services are provided "as is" with no warranties, as described in Chatzy's Terms of Use.

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