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Earthland (Magnolia)

Welcome to Magnolia
This is a world in which people and creatures live together and its filled with magic most can use magic and be wizards you can travel and form guilds and fight creatures meet people learn magic anything. This is Magnolia in the year XXV267 please create a your character, (please don't use pre-made characters from the anime/manga) pick a magic type, describe the way you look, and choose your wizard class if you wish to belong to a guild. D,C,B,A,S classes d being you use mainly support magic a being a powerful attack and defense magic user and s being worthy of guildmaster status. Please choose a color other than black so you can tell when your using ooc and ic without using the * and have fun!

Associated Rooms

Magic Council(Mod Room)-

Grand Magic Arena(Fights)-


IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR NEW USERS:You enter the room at your own risk. Use your common sense. If you communicate with people you don't know, be aware that they may be dishonest. Notice that identities are unreliable. We have a strict Privacy Policy, but your IP address is logged and can be used to identify you in case of misconduct. All services are provided "as is" with no warranties, as described in Chatzy's Terms of Use.

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