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A Place better left forgotten..

A place once full of laughter and good vibes...No more, I'm sorry, i'm sorry the chat that made so many feel, safe, wanted, and cared for, was ruined and destroyed by the Drama, Lies, infighting among mods and admins, and overall bullshit, and worst of all, peoples stupid fucking pride, to those of you who really loved the chat and everything it was, I am so deeply sorry that things ended the way that it did, I can only hope you all found greener pastures.. and to those of you who caused the destruction our this chat and its user base, I hope many of you had learned from this, though i probably doubt it, i hope that you've learned to let go of your pride and beef in order to make yourselves better people, and if you haven't then i feel more sorry for any group you infect with yourself... I miss you guys all so much maybe one day we'll meet again

Flicker Swiftail~


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