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Adult Sex

Welcome to Lord Of Loads CUMmunity Chat

This is a friendly and fun chat room for ADULTS ONLY. No person under the age of 18 permitted to enter due to sexual content.

No discussions about under age sex, bestiality or rape please.

No bullying, kink shaming, racism or discussions on inflammatory subjects, e.g. religion or politics.

No advertising of ANY KIND (including sending pm links). Those doing so will be banned immediately.

Please respect the Moderators, they are there to make sure everyone has fun

Be aware sexual content is not always discussed on main, however, if you want to discuss sexual subjects, feel free to start a conversation on the topic. Also be aware that everyone is not always honest about who they are. Use wisdom and be care about passing along personal information.

Be considerate of others and have a great time!!!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR NEW USERS:You enter the room at your own risk. Use your common sense. If you communicate with people you don't know, be aware that they may be dishonest. Notice that identities are unreliable. We have a strict Privacy Policy, but your IP address is logged and can be used to identify you in case of misconduct. All services are provided "as is" with no warranties, as described in Chatzy's Terms of Use.

This is a premium room

Premium rooms have:

  • No advertisement
  • Unrestricted access
  • Hosting option, custom URL, private messages, and more

Tell me more. 12 days left.
