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Team Read-Along

Welcome to the group chat for the entire tolkienreadalong!

If you're looking to play Cards Against Arda, come here:

Here are some ground rules:
If you're just being offensive for the sake of it, you will be kicked.
Keep a lid on the swearing. Everyone does it sometimes - don't use it in excess. We want this chat to be safe for everyone.
If there is a legitimate conversation going on, don't come here looking for an argument. Aggressors will be kicked.
Try to keep on topic - people are coming into this chat expecting Tolkien-related stuff.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR NEW USERS:You enter the room at your own risk. Use your common sense. If you communicate with people you don't know, be aware that they may be dishonest. Notice that identities are unreliable. We have a strict Privacy Policy, but your IP address is logged and can be used to identify you in case of misconduct. All services are provided "as is" with no warranties, as described in Chatzy's Terms of Use.

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